21. ÁGÚ 2021 - 12. SEP 2021
„Óhlutbundin höggmyndalist er í besta falli orðaleikur, í versta falli brandari. Hluturinn er alltaf hlutbundinn. Það segir sig bókstaflega sjálft, Jónas minn. Og dag nokkurn verður ungur listamaður loks miðaldra. Þá hefur hann einn valkost (ef einn kostur er þá valkostur): Hina hreinu uppgjöf fyrir klassíkinni. Höggmyndir, lágmyndir, alvöru list. Hráefnið: Einhverskonar marmari. Allavega svipar efninu til marmara: Ljóst, mjúkt, auðmótanlegt. En rétt undir yfirborði vitundarinnar mallar jú síðan sitthvað ógreinilegra en steinefni. Er það ósýnilegt jafnvel? Óhlutbundið? Nei, hægan, hægan. En hvernig lítur þá „efi“ aftur út? Nú eða ADHD? Hvernig lítur það út? Nú eða bara eitthvað sem enginn hefur smíðað hlutbundið orð um ennþá en liggur samt kæruleysislega þarna rétt undir yfirborðinu og stýrir óhlutbundnum straumum á einkar hlutbundin hátt. Listamaður meinar hverja sveigju, hann meinar þetta allt. Hitt er hins vegar óljóst: hvað þetta allt er. Byrjum á því að móta þennan skratta – svo sjáum við til. Allavega er ljóst að hin bergtegundin marmari er hlutbundin og sannar að óhlutbundin höggmyndalist er í besta falli orðaleikur, í versta falli brandari.“
Jóhannes Atli Hinriksson (f. 1975) hefur getið sér orð fyrir innsetningar og málverk. Hann útskrifaðist með BA-gráðu frá Listaháskóla Íslands árið 2000 og lauk síðar MFA-gráðu frá School of Visual Arts í New York.
Must Be Some Kind of Marble
21. AUG 2021 - 12. SEP 2021
Abstract sculpting is at it’s best a play on words, and in the worst case it a joke. An object is always objective. It’s very literal, you know!
One day the young artist becomes middle aged, and the panorama he once had withers away, as the path that is left becomes very clear; submit to the classic. Sculpture, reliefs and you know; REAL ART.
And the material!? Must be some kind of Marble, right?
Bright, white, soft and easily moldable.
But just below the surface of consciousness, there is something more indistinct brewing than minerals. Is it invisible? Abstract? Ugh hold your horses. What does "doubt" look like again? What color is ADHD? And what is its shape? Now or just something that no one has made an objective word for yet, but still lies right under the surface and directs abstract currents into objective ones.
An artist makes every swirve, and he means to make them all. The other, however, is unclear: what is he making? Maybe if we just start shaping another laugh - we'll figure it out. In any case, it is clear that marble is objective and that proves that abstract sculpture is at best a play on words, and at worst a fucking joke.
Jóhannes Atli Hinriksson (b.1975) lives and works in Iceland. Jóhannes graduated with a bachelor's degree in fine arts from the Iceland University of the Arts in 2000 and then went on to finish an MFA- degree from School of Visual Arts in New York.
In his works the artist focuses on sculpting the abstract, the unseen, the feelings we all go through.
MARBLE presents the juxtaposition that abstract and sculpture pose.
As a sculpture is always objective and the very word abstract is in direct contrast.