22.07 – 12. 08. 2023
Ásmundarsalur kynnir með stolti sýningu á nýjum verkum eftir norsku listakonuna Kristin Nordhøy. Undanfarin fimmtán ár hefur Kristin skapað dáleiðandi, formbreytandi verk sem leiða áhorfanda í sjónrænt ferðalag þar sem augað fær aldrei staðar numið. Óhlutbundnu málverkin hennar og teikningar leika á eðli sjónar og skynjunar. Verkin gera okkur meðvituð um sjálfa athöfnina að horfa.
Verk listakonunnar sækja fyrirmynd sína í handbragð og í kjarna þeirra má finna togstreituna á milli stöðugleika og óstöðugleika. Verkin byggja á agaðri og kerfisbundinni nálgun. Þannig skapa þau samstillingu úr óslípuðum glundroða hversdagsleikans.
Á fyrstu einkasýningu hennar hér á landi verða fimm ný verk; Staðbundið veggmálverk í akrýl, olíumálverk á glæra filmu og þrjú olíumálverk á hör.
Hárfínu og fáguðu verk listakonunnar endurspegla hrifningu hennar af samspili flatleika efnis og sjónrænnar dýptar, en kerfisbundin nákvæmni þeirra er blekking því þau eru öll sprottin úr innsæinu og unnin í höndunum með burstum, rúllum og málningarlímbandi í ólíkum breiddum.
„Smíð verkanna er stjórnað af endurtekningu og hrynjanda línunnar…[En] það sem skiptir máli er að ég er að berjast gegn rökum, brjóta upp mynstur, vinna á móti regluverki.“
Kristin Nordhøy fæddist í Ósló árið 1977 og útskrifaðist frá Oslo National Academy of the Arts með M.A. í myndlist árið 2006. Hún býr og starfar í Ósló og Edinborg.
Valdar einkasýningar hennar eru Transparancy, Lautom Contemporary, Ósló (2010), Volt, Bergen (2011), Layers, Holodeck, Ósló (2012), Dissonance, Galeri LNM, Ósló (2016), Two/Fold, Galleri Haaken, Ósló (2017), Placed, Loock Galerie, Berlín (2018), After a Moment, Galleri Haaken, Ósló (2020) and Resonant Field, Cairn Gallery, Pittenweem (2022).
Valdar samsýningar eru High Come Down, Smia, Kristiansandl (2008), Norwegian Sommer, Galerie Gabriel Rolt, Amsterdam (2009), Copy, Paste, Add Layer, Sinne, Helsinki (2013), Living in Colours, Tenthaus, Ósló (2016), Fri geometri – ustabile variabler, Kunstnernes Hus, Ósló (2017), Jubileumsutsilling LNM, Kunsternernes Hus, Ósló (2018), Cutting Edges, The Collection of Erling Neby, Scandinavia House, New York (2019) and 133. Høstutstilling, Kunstnernes Hus, Ósló (2020).
Verk Kristins Nordhøy má finna í opinberum- og einkasöfnum víðs vegar um Skandinavíu, þar á meðal í Seðlabanka og Utanríkisráðuneyti Noregs, Pro Artibus Foundation í Finnlandi og Erling Neby Collection í Ósló.
Sýningin er styrkt af „OCA Office of contemporary art Norway“.
22.07 – 12. 08. 2023
Ásmundarsalur is pleased to announce an exhibition of new paintings by Norwegian artist Kristin Nordhøy. Over the past fifteen years Nordhøy has been creating mesmerizing, shapeshifting work that takes the viewer on a visual odyssey during which the eye is never allowed to settle. Her abstract paintings and drawings play with the physiology of sight and the psychology of perception and make us aware of the very act of looking.
Nordhøy’s painstaking images are a model of manual dexterity and find their source in the contrast between stability and instability. They are predicated on a disciplined and methodical approach to picture-making and create something harmonious from the unrefined chaos of everyday life.
For her first-ever solo show in Iceland the artist presents five new pieces: a site-specific wall painting in acrylic, an oil painting on Mylar and three oil paintings on linen.
These poised and elegant pieces reflect a fascination with the interplay between material flatness and optical depth, but their systematic exactness is illusory for all of them are generated intuitively by hand using brushes, rollers and varying widths of masking tape.
’The structure of the work is governed through repetition and rhythm of line,’ says Nordhøy. ‘[But] what is important is that I am fighting a logic, breaking up a pattern, working against an order.’
Kristin Nordhøy was born in Oslo in 1977 and graduated from the Oslo National Academy of the Arts with an MA in Visual Arts in 2006. She lives and works in Oslo and Edinburgh.
Selected solo exhibitions include Transparancy, Lautom Contemporary, Oslo (2010), Volt, Bergen (2011), Layers, Holodeck, Oslo (2012), Dissonance, Galeri LNM, Oslo (2016), Two/Fold, Galleri Haaken, Oslo (2017), Placed, Loock Galerie, Berlin (2018), After a Moment, Galleri Haaken, Oslo (2020) and Resonant Field, Cairn Gallery, Pittenweem (2022).
Selected group exhibitions include High Come Down, Smia, Kristiansandl (2008), Norwegian Sommer, Galerie Gabriel Rolt, Amsterdam (2009), Copy, Paste, Add Layer, Sinne, Helsinki (2013), Living in Colours, Tenthaus, Oslo (2016), Fri geometri – ustabile variabler, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo (2017), Jubileumsutsilling LNM, Kunsternernes Hus, Oslo (2018), Cutting Edges, The Collection of Erling Neby, Scandinavia House, New York (2019) and 133. Høstutstilling, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo (2020).
Kristin Nordhøy’s work is held in public and private collections across Scandinavia including The Central Bank of Norway, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway, Pro Artibus Foundation, Finland and Erling Neby Collection, Oslo.
The exhibition is supported by the OCA Office of contemporary art Norway.