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Útskriftarnemar meistaranáms í hönnun við Listaháskóla Íslands: Argitxu Etchebarne, Christopher Dake-Outhet, Harpa Hrund Pálsdóttir, Lu Li, Malgorzata Kowasz & Sveinn Steinar Benediktsson

HOW LONG WILL IT LAST? er útskriftarsýning meistaranema í hönnun við Listaháskóla Íslands. Sýningin er ferðalag á forsendum áttavilts áttavita, þar sem áhorfendur eru leiddir að hverfulum stöðum sem gætu horfið jafnóðum. Hún er möguleg framtíðarsýn og jafnframt gátt — farartæki án líkama eða forms.


MA design graduates from Iceland University of the Arts: Argitxu Etchebarne, Christopher Dake-Outhet, Harpa Hrund Pálsdóttir, Lu Li, Malgorzata Kowasz & Sveinn Steinar Benediktsson

HOW LONG WILL IT LAST? is a journey guided by an upside down compass. It offers directions to a place not exactly known, a place of impermanence that if reached could very well disappear. It is presented as a possible sketch of the future, a collective image built from our individual inputs. Simultaneously a portal, an amphibious vehicle without body or form.

The show proposes works not being exhibited — but rather exposed. This act of exposure unfolds not only through traditional means of looking but as inverted relations between the work and its viewer, in which agency belongs to both. The exposition embodies this through time, as visitors navigate an altered reality and become parts of the scenography.

During this last semester, the topology of communication was reoriented because of the Covid-19 crisis. The physical restrictions that followed resulted in the closing of the university, forcing us to move all communication to the digital. As we existed in a loop of domiciled isolation, former means of interaction were re-established through the platform of Microsoft Teams. Accepting this challenge, we explored and experimented with the platform, attempting to examine the tensions between the digital and physical in a time of crisis.