10.09. – 10.11.2024

Sýningin Break! samanstendur af verkum eftir Hildi Elísu Jónsdóttur sem sprottin eru upp úr vangaveltum um tímabundin heimili fyrir fegurð. Sýningartímabil er frá 9. september – 3. nóvember, en hægt er að kynna sér verkaskrá hér.

Hildur Elísa Jónsdóttir lauk meistaragráðu í tónlistardrifnum gjörningum frá Sandberg Instituut, Hollandi árið 2024. Hún hefur áhuga á frásagnarhefðum og því að skapa alltumlykjandi upplifanir í rými, sem oft sækja innblástur í hversdagslega hluti og uppákomur. Með því að setja hversdagslega atburði í óhefðbundnar og óvenjulegar aðstæður ögrar hún skilningi okkar á fastmótuðum og manngerðum félagslegum raunveruleika okkar. Verk hennar hafa verið sýnd og flutt í Arti et Amicitiae (NL), Ásmundarsal, Gallerí Úthverfu og Nordatlantens Brygge (DK), á Gaudeamus Muziekweek (NL), Grachtenfestival (NL), November Music (NL), Opera Forward Festival (NL), Platform Nord (NO), Rewire (NL), Tokyo Biennale (JP) og Ung Nordisk Musik. Hún er einn af stofnendum Associate Gallery í Reykjavík.

Ljósmynd / photo: Bon Alog – @methodoftruth

10.09. – 10.11.2024

The exhibition Break! derives from Jónsdóttir’s speculations on what is a temporary home for beauty. The exhibition takes place in the seating area at the Reykjavík Roasters café on the first floor, and will run untill November 3. Take a look at all the works here!

Hildur Elísa Jónsdóttir finished an MA in music-driven performances from Sandberg Instituut in the Netherlands in 2024, a BA from the Iceland University of the Arts Fine Arts department in 2019, and a diploma in classical clarinet from the Reykjavík College of Music in 2015. She's interested in storytelling and creating engulfing experiences within spaces, often finding inspiration in the mundanity of everyday things and happenings. By placing these mundane, everyday happenings in unconventional and surreal scenes, she aims to challenge our understanding of our heavily constructed social reality. Her works have been exhibited in Arti et Amificitiae (NL), Ásmundarsalur (IS), Kjarvalsstaðir (IS), Nordatlantens Brygge (DK) and Outvert Art Space (IS), as well as at Gaudeamus Muziekweek (NL), Grachtenfestival (NL), November Music (NL), Opera Forward Festival (NL), Platform Nord (NO), Rewire (NL), Tokyo Biennale (JP) and Ung Nordisk Musik. Hildur Elísa is one of the co-founders and organisers of Associate Gallery in Reykjavík.